Sesame Access designs, builds, installs and commissions British lifts to the relevant elements of “British Standard” BS 6440:2011 :- Powered vertical lifting platforms having non-enclosed or partially enclosed lift ways intended for use by persons with impaired mobility.
For your information we have summarised some of the common questions regularly discussed in design meetings, which are relevant areas of BS 6440:2011. If you require further explanations or would like to discuss any of the following points please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
- The rated speed of a lifting platform should not be greater than 0.15 m/s. Typically the Sesame moving lift and stairs are set to a smooth speed of 0.09 m/s but this can be adjusted if requested by the client. The Sesame gates and barriers are set to move at 0.15 m/s.
- The rated load of all lifting platforms should be between 280Kg and 500kg. The Sesame lifts are commissioned with a 350KG SWL (Safe Working Load) but this can be adjusted by the Client as requested. The Sesame lifts are fitted with a relief valve which prevents the lift from rising if the lift is overloaded by 75KG or more.
- The minimum plan dimensions of the clear loading area of a lifting platform shall conform to one of the following three options. (It is important to note that, where the standard states for existing buildings but where space is not available, or non-standard wheelchairs are to be accommodated, other non-standard dimensions may be used):-
- 1100mm wide x 1400mm long when there is an adjacent entrance to the lift car allowing for more space on the lift car for the user to turn 90 degrees to enter or exit the lift.
- 800mm wide x 1400mm long when the user has straight route access on and off the lift.
- 750mm wide x 1250mm long for a single wheelchair user in a domestic environment with or without and adjacent entrance.
- The stopping accuracy of the lift shall be +/- 10mm, and a re-levelling accuracy of +/-20mm must also be maintained. Stopping distance when the buttons are released must be no greater than 20mm.
- The lifting platform shall be provided with a manually operated emergency lowering device allowing the carrier, even in the case of a power failure, to be lowered to a level where the user can leave the lift. The speed of the carrier shall not exceed 0.08 m/s or the rated speed, whichever is the lower. The operation of the device shall require a continual manual force, and the device shall be so constructed to avoid accidental operation when not in use. Sesame lifts are fitted with constant pressure spring return emergency lift lower key switches issued to staff members.
- The power supply of Hydraulic lifts such as ours shall be dedicated and protected by an RCD, conforming to BS 7671. Socket outlets shall conform to BS 7671.
- Lifting Platforms should be fitted with boarding point stopping devices such as mechanical or limit switches. In the event that the stopping device fails there should be a secondary mechanical or electric stop.
- The controls for lifting platforms must be press and hold. This means that when you release the button, the lift stops. Where sensors are fitted on the barriers and gates, their motion can be automatic as the safety device will stop the motion if triggered.
- The button must be a minimum of 20mm in diameter.
- The colour of the button must contrast its surroundings
- The height of control buttons from the floor must be between 300mm – 900mm for wheelchair user’s use only, or 900mm – 1100mm for wheelchair users and ambulant users.
- The minimum lateral space from the centre line of the buttons to an obstruction must be a minimum of 400mm
- There should be a minimum clearance of 2000mm above the lifting platform when it is in the upper most position.
- Adjacent surfaces with a plumb flush finish such as a glass pane for example must sit either less than 10mm away from the moving lifting platform or more than 100mm. This surface is allowed a projection (such as a fixing screw) of no more than 1.5mm. If the projection is greater than 1.5mm but no more than 5mm, the edges of the projection must be chamfered at 15 degrees.
When the adjacent surfaces have protrusions greater than 5mm and the lifting platform is within 300mm, then the carrier must have a sensitive safety edge along the affected side which will detect any obstructions.
When adjacent surfaces are more than 10mm away from the lifting platform but less than 100mm, the carrier must have a sensitive safety edge along the affected side which will detect any obstructions. - Lift way entrance gates shall extend to a height of not less than 1.1 m above the floor of the upper boarding point level.
- Boarding point gates shall be a minimum of 800 mm wide, shall require a force less than 30N to open and shall be provided with a vision panel when over 1.1 m high. They shall not open into the lift way.
- The area under a lifting platform must either be:-
Protected by a solid barrier flush with the outside of the carrier such as our stainless steel panels, or bellows, to prevent people from climbing under the lift. The area between the edge of the carrier and the bellows is to be protected by a safety sensitive edge, or the whole area under the carrier must be protected by a sensitive edge. - Lifting platforms designed for seated and standing users must have protection from falling on, by handrails or barriers to a height of 1100mm.
- Lifting platforms with a rise up to 1000mm designed for seated personal users controlled by trained personnel, must have a toe guard that rises around the carrier to protect the wheelchair’s wheels from rolling off the lifting platform.
- Each lifting platform shall be marked legibly and indelibly with at least the following particulars:
- The business name and full address of the manufacturer and, where applicable, their authorized representative;
- Year of construction;
- Designation of series or type, if any;
- Serial or identification number;
- Rating information and rated load.
The Sesame systems are therefore fitted with our Safe Working Load Plate which houses this information.
The Sesame European Lifts are built to conform to the relevant areas of European Standard EN 81-41, so if you would like more information on this standard please click on the following link EN 81-41 to view a similar dedicated page on this subject.
The Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC is a European Directive to ensure a common safety level in machinery placed on the market or put in service, in all member states. Therefore as long as England remains in the EU this Directive applies to all member states including England. For more information or to download the Machinery Directive please click on the following link 2006/42/EC