How does Sesame Access uphold a 100% listed building consent record?

How does Sesame Access uphold a 100% listed building consent record?

Preserving the aesthetic integrity of historic buildings is essential, and listed building regulations play a crucial role in this effort. In the UK, listed buildings are protected to safeguard their architectural and historical significance. For companies like Sesame Access, understanding these regulations is vital. We must be well-versed in the ‘dos and don’ts’ to ensure our products are suitable for these buildings and that accessibility remains of utmost importance.

The regulatory landscape

In the UK, installing lifts in listed buildings requires planning permission and listed building consent. This process involves liaising with the appropriate authority based on the project’s location:

  • Historic England for England

  • Historic Scotland for Scotland

  • The Historic Environment Division (HED) of the Department for Communities (DfC) for Northern Ireland

  • Cadw for Wales

Each authority has its own guidelines and criteria, which can make the approval process quite challenging for companies with limited experience in applications.

How we secure permission

At Sesame Access, we prioritise collaboration. We work closely with clients, architects, and the relevant historic building authorities to ensure that our lift installations are designed with both functionality and preservation in mind. This collaborative approach has been vital in achieving our impressive 100% success rate in obtaining listed building consent across the UK.

Our team's extensive knowledge and dedication to innovative design have allowed us to create lift solutions that not only meet the needs of wheelchair users but also respect the historical significance of the buildings we work with.

Why trust Sesame Access?

Although Historic England, for example, does not endorse specific products, our history of successful applications has led them to refer people to the Sesame Access website for solutions that have been previously approved. This is a testament to the reliability and effectiveness of our products in listed building environments.

Commitment to communication

Sesame Access once received pushback from the listed building division within Edinburgh Council regarding a project. It expressed concerns about the proposed installation, but we arranged a meeting to discuss its issues directly. Through open communication and a willingness to adapt, we successfully addressed its concerns, resulting in approval for the project.

At Sesame Access, we believe that communication is essential for projects involving significant regulation. We are always ready to engage with relevant authorities and stakeholders to explain how our products work and why they are suitable for historic and listed buildings. This commitment to transparency and collaboration not only strengthens our relationships with regulatory bodies but also reinforces our dedication to preserving the integrity of historic sites.


Maintaining a 100% listed building consent record is no small feat, but at Sesame Access, our rigorous approach to design, collaboration with key stakeholders, and commitment to open communication have solidified our reputation as a trusted partner in the field. As we continue to innovate and adapt, we remain dedicated to providing lift solutions that honour the past while meeting the needs of the present.


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