Fiona Jarvis - CEO Blue Badge Style
Sesame lifts are a stylish way of getting into and out of a buildings without a fuss. When someone has to wheel out a dusty old ramp from the store cupboard to get me into a building, it’s just awful and such an effort. Sesame lifts are a much more elegant way of enabling me to glide into buildings when I am out and about with my friends and colleagues. I applaud Sesame lift’s innovation and style.

Sophie Christiansen - Eight-time Paralympic gold medal champion, first-class degree mathematician and works as a statistician for Goldman Sachs
Sesame Access has revolutionised step-free access by showing that it can be creative, versatile and sexy, and can be installed in modern to Grade I Listed buildings. As a mathematician, I absolutely love the Sesame lift.

Alex Vasquez - Online Content Creator for human rights
The lifts from Sesame Access make entering a building an enjoyable experience rather than a struggling one. When using their lifts I feel like I am not disrupting the entrance with alternative ways, but rather adding to the building's beauty while entering.

Michaël Jérémiasz - Gold doubles wheelchair tennis champion (2008 Beijing Paralympics)
I’ve been using the Sesame Access People's Lift since I moved into my new house. It’s the most useful tool I’ve ever had. I use it to go in and out of my house but I also use it when I have to bring up and down shopping or suitcases when I’m about to travel. I’m always amazed by the look that new visitors give me when they see it in action. How do you get in?! they always ask me. Then the watch the magic happen…

Nina Muehlemann - Bride who chose to hold her wedding at One Great George Street London
The fabulous Sesame lift with the receding stairs was definitely a big deciding factor for our venue choice. Arriving at your venue, on your wedding day, is such an important moment and needs to make you feel special, glamorous and equal. This is definitely not a moment when a bride wants to worry about poor access.
My husband and I loved that One Great George Street not only had an accessible main entrance, but also one that is stylish and has a touch of magic to it, as the stairs miraculously disappear and reveal the lift. Perfect for our fairy-tale day!

Isabelle Clement - Director of 'Wheels for Well Being' Charity
I love the Sesame lift concept! I had the pleasure of using it recently and what a difference it made to my experience of attending a meeting at a venue in Central London! Like all other attendees, I entered through the front door, thanks to the fact that the lift is hidden in the main entrance steps. Finally, no need to factor in time (and humiliation) for being escorted through often convoluted routes that more often than not take in the bins areas and other things buildings normally keep hidden from the public and which no other guests would ever be expected to see!
I hope this is going to be a game changer and that for Disabled people, being expected to access buildings via grubby back entrances will soon be a thing of the past, thanks to this amazing technological access solution!