Short Rise Lift - an ideal solution for hidden and discreet application

Short Rise Lift


Our short rise stairlifts are perfect for any building. For more of our products, please click here

There is often a need for a short rise lift in many public and domestic buildings. A single step presents the same problems to a wheelchair user as a set of stairs or steps.

A short rise lift is ideal for where you need to move anywhere up to 1 metre. There is no requirement for barriers or gates when the rise is 1 metre or less, providing there is a wheel stop around the edge of the rising platform. The Sesame Access system will be discreet and hidden, clad to suit its immediate surroundings.

A lot of city based domestic properties have a single step up to the front door threshold. The Sesame Access short rise lift is an ideal solution for this application being completely hidden and discreet. This can give the disabled house owner the independence to come and go as they please without the need for any assistance to either put an unsightly ramp in place or to be physically helped up and down the step of their own home. The controls can be wall mounted, lift mounted or even a remote key fob can be used again giving the user freedom and independence to come and go as they please.

Additionally, the fact they can carry up to 350 kgs makes the short rise lift useful for moving other items around as well, and in public buildings and work places they can also be used to move other items on wheels such as loaded trolleys or sack-barrows – although as there are no barriers on the lift it can not be used for any standing passengers.

Stair lift grants are available for either domestic or public buildings, please follow the hyperlink for further information.

If you would like a quote for a short rise Sesame lift, please click here and fill out our quote form


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